Come to tea & meet 50 Cherry Blossom Princesses.
TEA: 3:30 PM
Includes: tea, sweets, Cherry Blossom Exhibit, and touring the Secret Door Museum. Cash bar for other beverages.
The Princess program started in 1948, and is an educational and cultural exchange program with Japan. College age (19-24) women from every state and territory spend a week in DC experiencing a unique Washington experience. They have tea at the Japanese embassy, visit museums, spend a day on Capitol Hill with their state representatives, and meet with the First Lady at the White House.
The young women are chosen by their state society to represent their state! While out and about in DC they wear their state sash and welcome opportunities to talk with the public, especially people from their home states!
The Princess program is unique in that it unites women from every state with the international princesses that are invited to join the program. On the final day one lucky princess will win a trip to Japan.
PHOTO: Kisa Motiwala represented DC's 2024 Cherry Blossom Princess Program
Available 4/8/2025